The Malta Institute of Taxation is a non-profit making organisation governed by Statute. It is an independent and autonomous body made up of, and run by, tax practitioners which works to promote knowledge and good practice in the tax profession. The Institute generates its own financial resources which are applied towards the achievement of its mission and objectives. The Institute does not provide tax advice and is not a lobby group for tax professionals. Members of the Institute are recognised as Tax Practitioners who are eligible for registration for CfR Services online.
The academic activities of the Institute range from periodical seminars on topical tax issues and developments, to specialised and intensive courses targeted at different levels of experience. The Institute endeavours to maintain the highest of academic standards by inviting speakers and lecturers who are experts in their field. Since 2006, the MIT has run an annual postgraduate course in taxation – the MIT Course on Taxation (previously known as the MIT Diploma Course in Taxation) – which is a specialisation course covering local, EU and International Taxation. Further information on our seminars and courses may be found on our Education page.
The Institute regularly makes submissions to Government on tax legislative and practical issues relevant to tax professionals. Discussions are held with policy makers and the authorities, on a standalone basis as well as in collaboration with other local professional organisations. On the international stage, the MIT is a full member of the CFE Tax Advisors Europe, where it joins representatives of organisations of tax professionals from other European countries. The MIT is also represented at meetings of the EU Commission’s VAT Expert Group of which it has been a member since 2014.
The Institute works to keep members and subscribers informed about developments in the field of tax with periodical news and updates.
MiTax – the MIT Member Bulletin – provides a more detailed insight into legislative developments, key judicial decisions and academic contributions on topical tax issues.
Members may also access other tax research resources from the Members Area.
The MIT Direct Taxation Manual was the first comprehensive textbook on direct taxation published locally. The Institute, on behalf of the Revenue Departments, has published decisions delivered by the Court of Appeal in tax cases (Income Tax and VAT), as well as a guide to the Tax Cases. All MIT publications may be purchased from our Publications page.