MIT attends GTAP Conference 2019

The Global Tax Advisers Platform’s (GTAP) inaugural conference was held in Torino last week. GTAP, which was formed in 2014, provides a framework for co-operation and dialogue amongst tax advisors.

The theme of the conference was “Tax & the Future”, addressing the evolution and future of corporate income tax and VAT, business models, tax sustainability and the issues affecting the global tax profession.

The Institute was represented at the GTAP conference by Conrad Cassar Torregiani (MIT President).

During the conference, the founding bodies of the GTAP signed the Torino-Busan Declaration, which is aimed at regrouping the joint efforts of the GTAP members around four short-term priorities:

  • Tax for Growth;
  • Sustainable Tax Policies;
  • Tax and Digitalisation;
  • Taxpayers’ Rights and Certainty in a Fast-Paced World.

For further information on GTAP, visit: