VAT e-commerce rules: countdown to 1 July 2021

 The changes to the VAT rules for e-commerce enter into effect on 1 July 2021. They include a new One Stop Shop, a new Import One Stop Shop, new rules for Distance Sales of goods, and other changes. Are you up to date on the...

CfR Guidance on small undertaking thresholds

Further to the publication of LN 222 of 2021, which announced the entry into force date of the new registration thresholds for small undertakings (See MIT News 27 May 2021), the Office of the CfR has issued guidance on the new thresholds and the implications...

Article 11 Registration Thresholds to change in July

Updated 1 June 2021   The revised 'Small Undertaking' thresholds will enter into effect on 1 July 2021. The entry into force date was published in LN 222 of 2021 which referred to LN 463 of 2020 which had introduced changes to the Sixth Schedule to the VAT Act in...

CFE Opinion Statement on the VAT Rules for FSI

Further to the consultation on the VAT rules for Financial Services and Insurance, CFE Tax Advisers has published an Opinion Statement which was submitted to the European Institutions on 3 May 2021. In the CFE's view, whilst the current VAT exemption works well in general in the...

Commencement notices of VAT e-commerce rules published

Legal Notices 219 to 226 of 2020, published on 2 June 2020, introduced amendments to the VAT Act implementing Council Directives 2017/2455, 2009/132/EC and 2019/1995/EC amending Directive 2006/112/EC concerning the VAT e-commerce package (See MIT News 3 June 2020). Legal Notices 187 to 194 of 2021 published earlier today...