VAT in the Digital Age consultation

The Commission's Action Plan for Fair and Simple Taxation (See MIT News 16 July 2020) followed by its work programme for 2022 (See MIT news 20 October 2021), included a legislative proposal for 2022 under the heading ‘VAT in the digital age’ covering: 1) VAT reporting obligations...

FIAU guidance note on tax related suspicious reporting

The FIAU has published a guidance note in relation to tax related suspicious reporting which aims to provide subject persons with important tax related ML/FT indicators that are found on goAML that are to be used when reporting serious and complex tax crimes. Furthermore a list of commonly used...

Intrastat obligations – Notice from the Office of the CfR

The office of the CfR has issued a Notice urging taxable persons to comply with any outstanding Intrastat obligations and reminding defaulting taxable persons that failure to comply with such obligations may lead to criminal prosecution which, upon conviction, is punishable with a fine (multa)...

Commission survey on the import of e-commerce consignments into the EU

The European Commission has launched a survey to obtain views and experiences on e-commerce transactions from third countries, in connection with its work on revisiting the customs and taxation collection systems for e-commerce (fiscal aspects) and on identifying innovative customs control approaches for e-commerce imports (non-fiscal aspects). source:...

Grant on the Restoration and Finishing of Privately Owned Residential Properties

Further to the announcement in the October Budget Speech, the Ministry for Finance and Employment has launched the grant scheme in connection with the restoration and finishes of privately owned residential properties within Urban Conservation Areas, properties that have been built for more than 20...

ECOFIN agreement on changes to EU VAT rates rules

On 7 December, EU finance ministers reached an agreement on the changes to the current rules governing VAT rates for goods and services. Further to the Commission's 2018 proposal to reform the VAT Rates rules, aimed at giving Member States more flexibility in rates-setting, the agreed package...

EU VAT Gap for 2019

The EU VAT Gap for 2019 has been published, showing a decrease in the overall EU VAT Gap by almost €6.6 billion to €134 billion. The VAT Gap study records the difference between the VAT due and the actual VAT revenues generated by Member States, representing...