Information for online sellers of goods

The Office of the CfR has issued an information note which reminds persons who take orders from customers for the purchase of goods online from third party websites, purchase those goods in their own name and subsequently resell them to their customers,  of their Malta Income...

Summary of budget fiscal measures

The Office of the CfR has published an overview of the budget measures relating to Income Tax which were announced in the budget speech for 2023. Download here....

Budget Measures Implementation Bill

Following the Budget 2023 speech earlier this week, the Budget Measures Implementation Bill has been tabled in Parliament. View the Bill here....

Budget 2023 – Fiscal Measures Highlights

Yesterday evening the Minister for Finance and Employment, the Hon Clyde Caruana, delivered the Budget Speech for 2023. The following is an overview of some of the fiscal measures announced: Tax refunds will once again be issued in 2023, ranging from €60 to €140, to individuals...

Malta Budget 2023: Pre-Budget Consultation

The Ministry for Finance launched a Pre-Budget 2023 Consultation. The Pre-Budget document and presentation can be viewed here.   Updated 23 September 2022: The Prime Minister has announced that the Budget for 2023 will be announced on 24 October 2022....

Amendment to the Interest Rate Rules for Income Tax

LN 228 of 2022 has revised the second proviso to Rule 2 of the Income Tax (Rate of Interest) Rules, specifying that where the date by which tax is payable under the Income Tax Acts is 31 August 2022 or later date, interest shall be charged...

Commission Workshop on CESOP

The Office of the CfR has notified all Payment Service Providers who may be affected by the new requirements coming into force on 1st January 2024 [Council Directive (EU) 2020/284 and Council Regulation (EU) 2020/283], that a workshop will be held on 23rd September 2022...

Amendment to Income Tax on Pensions rules

SL 123.204 has been revised by LN 220 of 220. The amendments include the introduction of a definition of "pension income", reflecting the definition in SL 123.127 to which the rules previously referred, as well as a cap on the amounts exempt. The amendments apply with...