CfR Guidance on COVID Recovery measures

The Commissioner for Revenue has issued guidance on the recovery measure announced on the 8th June 2020 concerning the reduced rates of income tax and duty on documents and transfers on certain property transfers, specifically: a reduction in the stamp duty of the acquisition of immovable...

COVID-19 Tax Deferral – Update

On 8 June 2020 the Minister for Finance announced that the measure permitting the deferral of the payment of taxes (see MIT News 20 March 2020) will be extended, with regard to some of the eligible taxes, until the end of August. Provisional Tax, VAT and...

Reduction in taxes on property transfers

On 8 June 2020 a package of measures intended to regenerate the economy in the wake of COVID-19 were announced. These measures included: a reduction in the stamp duty of the acquisition of immovable property (residential) from 5% to 1.5%; and a reduction in the final...

Fiscal Unit Registration Guidelines updated

The CfR Guidelines issued upon the launch of the registration process for fiscal units (See MIT News 18 May 2020) have been updated to reflect changes to paragraphs (i) and (vi). Paragraph (i) provides that in order to join or form part of a fiscal unit, a...

Income tax return deadline extended

The Office of the CfR has announced that the submission deadline for the Income Tax Return for Year of Assessment 2020 is being extended to 31 July 2020 due to Covid-19. The returns will be mailed during the last week of June.   source:  ...

New CfR online services – electronic forms processed in real time

The Commissioner for Revenue has announced that the following 5 new online services have been launched for persons in business as from 1 June 2020: PE Registration Form, PE Deactivation Form, PE Reactivation Form, VAT – Change in Register and VAT – Maintain Economic Activity. Requests...

Re-opening of CfR front office at MBR premises

The Office of the Commissioner for Revenue has notified that the front office that processes share transfer documents for income tax and duty purposes housed within the premises of the Malta Business Registry (MBR) will re-open to the public on the 1st of June. Persons are...

COVID-19: Payment deadline for deferred taxes

Further to the extension of the tax deferral scheme announced last month, the Commissioner for Revenue guidance has been updated to include the settlement deadline. In terms of the guidance, which was updated earlier today, the eligible taxes are to be settled by 31 October 2020.   source:

EU Commission proposes deferment of filing deadlines under DAC

The Commission has published a proposal for the deferment of certain deadlines for filing and exchanging information under the Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC). The proposed Directive proposes changes to certain time limits for filing and exchanging information under Council Directive 2011/16/EU, more specifically concerning information on financial...