Extension of tax credits for qualifying industry qualifications

The Deductions and Tax Credit (Relevant Qualifications for Industry) Rules, which offer a tax credit for students successfully completing qualifying courses as determined by Malta Enterprise, have been revised by LN 266 of 2023, extending their application to courses commencing before 31 December 2024 (extended...

Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

The MTCA has announced that Malta has agreed to the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (DAC 8) (See MIT News 17 October 2023), and, to the Standard concerning the automatic exchange of information agreed...

Budget Measures Implementation Bill

The Budget Measures Implementation Bill - a bill to implement Budget Measures for the Financial Year 2024 and other administrative measures - has been published. View here. The Bill proposes amendments to: the Customs Ordinance Cap. 37 the Social Security Act Cap. 318 the Value Added...

Malta Budget 2024

The Minister for Finance and Employment, the Hon Clyde Caruana, has delivered the Budget Speech for 2024. The following is an overview of some of the fiscal measures announced: A tax credit of a maximum of €500 on donations made by businesses to voluntary organisations...

MTCA Guidance note on UK Recognised Stock exchanges

The Malta Tax & Customs Administration has issued a guidance note which lists the UK regulated markets that are recognized by the Commissioner for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts and the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act. View here. This complements the guidance issued...

CFE Tax Top 5 (17 October 2023)

This week's edition of the CFE Tax Top 5 looks at the following: OECD Publishes Text of Pillar One Treaty; U.S. Not Ready to Sign It Yet EU Set to Adopt e-Assets Tax Reporting Rules & Update EU Blacklist CFE Statement on Interest Payable on...

MTCA Transfer Pricing Training

The Malta Tax and Customs Administration (MTCA) in collaboration with the Malta Institute of Accountants, the Malta Institute of Taxation, the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners, the Malta Institute of Management and the Chamber of Advocates, is organising three events on Transfer Pricing - a...

Proposal for Head Office Tax system for SMEs

The European Commission has released a proposed Directive which introduces the concept of Head Office Taxation, giving SMEs operating cross-border through permanent establishments the option to interact with only one tax administration instead of having to comply with multiple tax systems. In terms of this...

Reduced rate of tax for income from artistic activities

The MTCA has announced the publication of guidance on the 7.5% rate of tax applicable to income from certain artistic activities pursuant to article 56(26A) of the Income Tax Act (CAP 123). Guidance on the scope of the reduced rate, eligibility and the application process...