DAC 7 Guidelines updated
The Malta Tax & Customs Administration has published Version 1.3 of the DAC 7 guidelines (Platform Operators) with updates to Section 2.5. View the guidelines here....
The Malta Tax & Customs Administration has published Version 1.3 of the DAC 7 guidelines (Platform Operators) with updates to Section 2.5. View the guidelines here....
Rules governing the taxation of holders of a Nomad residence permit have been published by LN 277 of 2023. The rules establish that permit holders will be chargeable to income tax at the rate 10% on chargeable income derived from “authorised work” as defined, subject to...
The Payment of Tax Refunds by means of Electronic Transfers Rules have been published by LN 281 of 2023. The rules enable the Commissioner for Tax & Customs to effect the refund of tax due pursuant to article 48 of the Income Tax Management Act by...
The Malta Tax & Customs Administration (MTCA) has published a Manual on the Return Attachment (RA) Forms. View the manual here....
Regulations transposing the provisions of Article 1 of Directive 2020/284 EC amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards introducing certain requirements for payment service providers have been published by means of LN 272 of 2023. The Regulations, which enter into force on 1 January 2024, require payment service providers...
The MIT hosted its 2023 Annual Tax Conference over three days - 28 September, 20 October and 14 November. With the overarching theme of 'Change', this 3-part event addressed the significant changes taking place both at a global level and domestically, and the impact of these...
This week's edition of the CFE Tax Top 5 looks at the following: Momentum Builds Behind Africa Group Initiative for UN Tax Convention EU Commission Commences Infringement Proceedings Against Belgium for Treatment of Non-Resident Taxpayers 48 Countries to Implement OECD Tax Transparency Standards for Crypto-Assets...
Act XXXV of 2023 has amended the definition of 'Malta' for the purposes of the VAT Act (CAP 406) to include the 'Exclusive Economic Zone' and now reads: "the Island of Malta, the Island of Gozo and the other islands of the Maltese Archipelago, including...
The Proviso to Article 4(1) of the Income Tax Act (CAP 123) has been revised by Act XXXV of 2023 to stipulate that income or capital gains arising from activities carried out in an exclusive economic zone area deemed to be carried out in Malta...