VAT – new exemptions from issuing fiscal receipts

Fiscal receipts will no longer be required to be issued in respect of supplies of goods and services which take place outside of Malta. This results from the new item 2B to the Thirteenth Schedule to the VAT Act introduced in  LN 241 of 2021 which...

CFE Tax Top 5 (7 June 2021)

This week's edition of the CFE Tax Top 5 looks at the following: G7 Reach Historic Minimum Global Corporate Taxation Rate Agreement EU Council & Parliament Reach Provisional Compromise on CbCR Public Disclosure EU Launch Consultation on Fighting the Use of Shell Entities for Tax...

G7 Finance Ministers’ agreement on minimum global tax rate

At their meeting of 5 - 6 June, Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G7 confirmed their support of the efforts underway through the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework to address the tax challenges arising from globalisation and the digitalisation of the economy and of the...

Provisional agreement on CbCR public disclosure of income tax information

A provisional political agreement has been reached on the proposed directive on the disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches (the public country-by-country reporting - CBCR - directive). The agreed text requires multinational enterprises or standalone undertakings with a total consolidated revenue of...

VAT e-commerce rules: countdown to 1 July 2021

 The changes to the VAT rules for e-commerce enter into effect on 1 July 2021. They include a new One Stop Shop, a new Import One Stop Shop, new rules for Distance Sales of goods, and other changes. Are you up to date on the...

Commission recommendation on the tax treatment of losses

On 18 May 2021 the Commission published a recommendation on the tax treatment of losses during the COVID-19 crisis. The commission is recommending that Member States should allow loss carry back for businesses to at least the previous fiscal year, i.e. at least 2019, and...

CFE Tax Top 5 (31 May 2021)

This week's edition of the CFE Tax Top 5 looks at the following: EU Sets Out New Corporate Tax Reform Proposals The EU Tax Observatory Launches at 1 June US Senate Reservations on Biden’s Tax Proposals EU Parliament Members Discuss Intra-EU Harmful Tax Competition Tax...